Embird (free for 30 days or 100 saves).However, keep in mind that some work files when opened in a different program than the one they were created in, might get corrupted and lose parts of the information about your embroidery. You will be able to open, convert, change size, resolution and other file parameters of your embroidery. IMPORTANT: Pulse Microsystems released a free conversion program Tajima DGML by Pulse Ambassador specifically for work files (and others). There are free and premium conversion programs available with various capabilities. In this case, you can use a number of conversion programs that will allow you to open and convert files into the desired format. Or it could just be too complicated to use. However, users might not always have access or are able to afford this type of software. It will allow you to use this file with embroidery machines of other types or by a different manufacturer. If you purchased a file for machine embroidery in the wrong format, you can open your file with the help of any embroidery design creation software and resave it in the desired format.